Tuesday 14 February 2012

Cast on!

Today I cast on and began this cabled scarf which I hope to turn into a birthday gift for a very special person (I doubt she's reading this blog...and if she is...happy early birthday! haha!). The yarn I've used is a Paton's Silenzio Chunky..it's a blend of wool and alpaca and really soft and gorgeous to knit with. I've only knit up around half a ball of yarn so far and I've only got until next week Friday to finish it - eep!! Wish me luck everyone.

Oh, and don't forget to look out for my future projects which I'll feature on the blog. These will include trying out marbling for the first time (hoping to make a marbled silk scarf) and attempting to knit my first jumper/jersey/sweater (for whatever version of English you use!) which I hope will be a lot easier than trying to knit socks......


  1. Wow! That's beautiful, Amy. What a lovely gift that will be.

  2. Thanks Amara. Now I only hope that I can finish it in time...
